There is nothing to be gained from such battling. You are the same as the other Pokèmon. Neither stronger nor weaker. You proved that the last time we met.

Then I must use what remains of my power. Either these machines will be destroyed or I will be.

You will not defile this place. It does not belong to you, any more than I do. This place has given me new life. Now I shall use all of my power to defend it.

So this is my power. But what is my purpose?

If you hear my voice, know that it is my spirit calling across time and space…to yours.

Yes, they deserve to remember. If we are able to look into the future as other Pokèmon do, we must also look into the past. The shame of that past is not ours, it belongs to those who used our past to set us apart, to ensure the safety of all of my fellow Pokèmon and of this healing place. …

Perhaps you are a unique human. One of a kind.

The moon reflects the light of the sun. Pokèmon born into this world may walk freely in that sun. But we were created, reflections. We are shadows. Perhaps we should not live in sunlight, but in the shadows of moonlight.

I see now that one’s birth is irrelevant. It is what you do that determines who you are.

The world pushes us with no mercy and when someone pushes back the world points and cries EVIL.

I see now that one’s birth is irrelevant. It is what you do that determines who you are.