Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people theyre here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas.

We have an obligation to spread amateur baseball both at home and abroad. Building up the game at all levels – Little League Babe Ruth Leagues the colleges – is in our own self-interest. Thats where the pool of talent is – and also of fans.

Im the worlds expert on sterotypes held by academics about athletes and held by athletes about academics. To me both of them are caricatures.

A tremendous social responsibility comes with being a successful public performer.

Teachers believe they have a gift for giving it drives them with the same irrepressible drive that drives others to create a work of art or a market or a building.

To go from Yale to the National League is simply to go from one form of management to another.

Major sports are major parts of society. Its not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.

This is not the first time in my life where you know going into a job that youre going to hear in stereo what was wrong with what you did.

Teaching is an instinctual art mindful of potential craving of realizations a pausing seamless process.

For me baseball is the most nourishing game outside of literature. They both are re-tellings of human experience.

A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.

I think that the young people today feel a tremendous sense of responsibility to their brothers and sisters because of the sacrifices that most families make to send their children to college.

There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are on the left and right. They are not confined to a single part of the society. They are terrorists of the mind.

My goal has been to encourage jointness to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs.

Americans have been remarkably devoted to the capacity for belief to idealism. Thats why we get into trouble all the time. Were always viewed as naive.

There are a lot of people who know me who cant understand for the life of them why I would got to work on something as unserious as baseball. If they only knew.

Im not going to sit here now and say do this or do that. But you must – must – expunge any vestige of racism.

The university is our cultures assertion that what is made by the mind has value and can convey values.