I never wore a single fedora filming L.A. Noire. It took about an hour and a half to do the hair – it was a very precise process.

Matt Weiner is very perceptive theres something about the rhythms and the way people speak that is very authentic to the actor. But there are qualities that are dissimilar. The characters on Mad Men are struggling with pretty profound unhappiness but I can tell you this is a happy bunch.

To be honest I owned one suit before I filmed Mad Men – the one suit that you have to have as an adult. Outside of that I never really felt comfortable in a suit.

Sure I like to win when I play basketball or board games or video games but my day isnt ruined if I lose. Im always up for a rematch. In all seriousness thats something thats nice about maturing.

When I was right out of college I felt competitive with some of the guys in my class over career stuff.

I never stepped foot into a Brooks Brothers before Mad Men.

When I was right out of college I felt competitive with some of the guys in my class over career stuff. Its funny now to think about it – that a friend getting a job or something had anything to do with me… I think that my relationship with my wife has played a pivotal role in the chilling out …

I feel very competitive with Robert Morse off-set. We often duke it out. He always wins.