Alan John “A. J.” Buckleyes an actor of film and television born in Ireland but raised in Canada.
A. J. Buckley Quotes
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Alan John “A. J.” Buckleyes an actor of film and television born in Ireland but raised in Canada.
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My parents come down to Los Angeles a lot.
I played a nerdy guy on CSI: NY for nine years. I want to be bad for a while. I want to be really really bad.
Im pretty lucky to work on both CSI: NY and Supernatural. Not bad gigs!
I was never really good in school.
When you boil down the real facts and statistics of what carbon dioxide is doing to this planet… to not feel like you have to do something… I dont think youre human.
There was a windstorm in L.A. and the morning after there was no smog and I could see the mountains. And I was like… Theres mountains? Snowcap mountains? Thats insane Ive been there for thirteen years and Ive never seen that view before seeing the mountains in the distance.